Tuesday, August 5, 2014

World Breastfeeding Week- Day 5!

Nursing in public is a huge topic of controversy. From all different points of view. There are many opinions and grey areas that people like to stand by. But mine is just this: A woman is a MOTHER. Her sole purpose on this wonderful place called Earth, is to reproduce and nourish beautiful babies. Just because we are a "modern" people now, doesn't mean we need to throw out mother nature. We are the "most intelligent" species on this planet, right? So WHY is it too hard to have the best of both worlds? I use cell phones, toilets and motorized vehicles. Does that mean my instincts as mother disappear everytime a new smartphone comes out? No.
  In this world of "connection", we are farther apart than we have ever been. People are far too into their phones. Mothers lose time with their children because they have their heads in their phones. When I was growing up, I didn't have a cell phone until I was 13 and the only thing it did- was CALL people. I remember when texting didn't exist. I didn't even start texting until I was around 15 or 16. I feel like friendships were more REAL, at that time. You can't really tell how someone feels about you through a text. You can't tell if someone is talking to you because they really want to or because they are bored. Children don't play outside like they use to either. I use to be out and about with my friends until the street lights came on. Sometimes even later. Until we got hungry and ran home for dinner! I really don't want my children to be too into technology. Running around and climbing trees, exercising without even thinking about it! Using their imagination to build forts in the woods or examining creatures they find in the fields. I want them to be PART of the world.
Everything is changing. And I don't like it. Don't get me wrong, I love the internet. I love learning things and having anything I want to know at my fingertips. I love being able to Skype my family and friends that are 1100 miles away. But when it starts changing how we are as PEOPLE, it is getting out of hand. Mothers should NOT be shamed for doing something completely natural and human, just because they are in public. We may have Google glasses and electric cars but a mother will always be a mother. You can't make an app for feeding a baby from the breast. We are HUMAN. Not robots. People seem to think that we are "too advanced" to be feeding our babies this way. We must be old fashioned, I guess.
I love the bond that comes from breastfeeding. I bonded with my daughter while she was eating too, but it's not the same KIND of bond. It's completely different. I breastfed her for 6 weeks before using formula. When you exclusively breastfeed, your baby is attached to YOU. YOU are feeding your baby. You are EVERYTHING to your baby. No one else can feed them, just you. I love that about exclusively breastfeeding. I feel this huge wave of pride, joy and love when my son is eating. He doesn't know any different. He doesn't know that bottles even exist. He knows nothing but ME. It's a beautiful feeling. I am so happy that I have come this far with Wesley Jr. He IS amazing. It takes just as much effort on your baby's part, to breastfeed. They deserve a "great job!", too.
Breastfeeding is such an important experience for mothers. That's one of the reasons why I nurse in public. I hope EACH time that I can change someone's mind about it...
I feel as though breastfeeding is my RIGHT, not only as an American citizen, but also as a human being. So when someone tells a mother to cover up, it's like they are telling them to stop being so human. "It's 2014..." Like we should know formula exists and so do bottles! But you know what, just because something CAN be easier, doesn't make it the best choice. It doesn't mean breastmilk is outdated. Formula is NOT and never will be breastmilk. Your breastmilk is specifically made for your baby. It changes with your baby's growing needs of development. Formula does not.

"People need to understand that when they're deciding between breastmilk and formula, they're not deciding between Coke and Pepsi... They're choosing between a live, pure substance and a dead substance made with the cheapest oils available." - Chele Marmet

With all of this said, nursing in public is a GREAT thing to do. For everyone. The more we see it, the more normal it becomes...
I have nursed in Walmart, at home with family, in our truck, in parking lots with the windows down, in line at the grocery store, at the laundromat, outside in our yard, at an Indians baseball game, in line at the pharmacy, skyping my family, talking to people in stores, on the toilet, in bed, asleep, putting on makeup, eating dinner with one hand, cooking, and cleaning. All while being "uncovered". Why would I do all of that, if I just wanted attention? Why would I do all of that if I thought formula was the same? It's not and I wouldn't. I do all of that for my son. Because he's eating. It's literally that simple. And because he's eating what I was made to feed him. That's it. It's time to wake up people. I will continue nursing in public. I want to nurse in as many places as possible. If I do anything with my breasts out, it's for a great cause.

Nurse on mamas!
Peace.Love. & Breastfeeding.

Day 5 photo*

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