Sunday, August 3, 2014

World Breastfeeding Week- Day 3

How is your breastfeeding week going? Mine is going great! I feel like I have contributed to the cause. I am posting a nursing picture every day on my personal Facebook page, as well as my instagram. I am receiving only positive in return. I have not had a negative comment about it. *So far. I feel as though I am helping to "normalize" breastfeeding! Most of the people on my Facebook are fellow moms, family, or friends from my hometown. Maybe they are getting use to my pictures and it's working!!! Every day, after I post a picture of my son nursing- I expect a rude comment telling me to cover up. Or someone that supports breastfeeding, but only if they are covered. You know how I feel about that. Either you support breastfeeding or you don't. There's no in between.
 Am I really making a difference? I think so! The followers on my instagram are mostly mommies. So it isn't a big deal to post nursing pictures on there. I never get any bad feedback. Although, some of my friends on there do. I HATE it. I hate how someone can take a precious moment captured on camera and ruin the positive from it by saying hurtful things. I hope by sharing my photos, I am spreading awareness... I hope I am helping a mother out there somewhere become comfortable in her own skin. Comfortable enough to feed her baby without feeling like a hundred eyes are burning in the back of her head. I hope it shows young men that breasts aren't a sexual object, they are innocent and nurturing. They are there for one purpose. To feed children. I hope men respect women enough to see the difference. I hope husbands, dads and brothers see that we are not being obscene. We don't need to cover up. I hope the mothers, sisters and friends can see the truth, that we don't do it for attention. We don't want to be pushed into another room during family gatherings or holidays. We don't want to be shamed for doing what's best for our babies. We need YOUR support the most! Women should be standing up for one another. Family should be supportive. Especially the significant others out there that should be encouraging us. We are nourishing our babies in the best way. That's something to be proud of.
I have been blessed with a fiance who isn't bothered by breastfeeding. He was completely supportive of me when I was trying to go uncovered in public. It took a little time, but when I did, he didn't make any negative remarks. He didn't say he was embarrassed by it. He didn't tell me I need to cover up because I'm being inappropriate. I love that about him. He didn't make any deal about it at all. He said do what you want , Whatever makes you happy. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks or says. They don't have to look! He knows how good it is for our son to get my milk. He thinks more moms should try it. He probably even loves that he doesn't have to help feed him! Haha! He knows how exhausting it can be... I feed Wesley on demand. Never have used a bottle. Not once. This is week 23! I have been very committed to exclusively breastfeeding, "from the tap". I do not want to pump. I am at home all day, every day. It just seems like it would be even more work for me to pump while I'm home. With a two year old, no thanks! I'll pass on the extra dishes to wash, the extra money spent on storage bags and worrying about freezer space. Pumping is VERY convenient for some mothers. But I'm no good at it. Breast is easiest for ME.
World Breastfeeding Week isn't just about feeding your baby from the breasts though, it's about babies getting the best milk possible. Whether directly from mama or from a bottle of expressed milk. If you are giving your baby "liquid gold", you are doing an awesome job!
I know that no matter HOW or WHO your baby gets their milk from, you are dedicated. You deserve respect. You deserve to be comfortable feeding your child. Whether 1 month old or 3 years old. Breastfeeding mothers do not deserve to be ridiculed. It's outrageous to me, to think that mamas have to defend something so natural and normal. I don't get it. And that's why I am dedicated to helping other moms on their journey with breastfeeding. I love helping mothers learn to love their own bodies. They truly are amazing. Women are the most beautiful thing on this planet. We can do ANYTHING...
 We can make babies, give birth, feed our babies, and raise them, all by ourselves!
We are strong.
We are powerful.
We are beautiful.
We are WOMAN.

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