Friday, August 1, 2014

Happy World Breastfeeding Week! -Day 1

It's World Breastfeeding Week! From August 1st-7th. A whole week dedicated to helping, supporting and normalizing breastfeeding. And not just in America. Many mothers around the GLOBE need support. While America is at the top of the charts for discriminating breastfeeding mothers, we are most certainly not alone.
World Breastfeeding week is not just about awareness. You can help by sharing great information to new breastfeeding mothers or by talking to an expecting mother about her option to breastfeed. You can help by nursing in public or giving a breastfeeding mom a "great job" as you walk by in the grocery store. Anything as simple as a smile, can go a long way. Breastfeeding isn't as easy as it looks for everyone. Some mothers come across many obstacles during their journey. I've had a great experience thus far. We are 23 weeks in, as of tomorrow! 160 days, today! It feels great!!
 To the mamas still working on those first few weeks- keep going! It truly gets easier.
To the mamas going on 6 months- you're awesome! If this was your goal, well done! If you aren't quite done yet, don't stop now!
To the mamas going on 1yr- don't stop if you don't want to, nurse on! The benefits of breastmilk do not end at one year.
To the mamas going on 3 yrs- you're amazing! Wean your baby when you TWO are ready! Not when someone tells you it's time. Each baby is different. Each child weans at their OWN pace.
To the mamas that haven't quite found the courage to breastfeed in public- I hope you do. I hope when you do, you feel empowered and free. I hope you get smiles, not stares. I know you can do it! You are mother. You are strong and brave. If you can handle everything you've been through so far, you can do this! But do it on your own time. There are millions and millions of mamas out there just like you. You are NOT alone.
To the mamas that nurse in public on a daily, weekly or monthly basis- Go you!!! Thank you for normalizing breastfeeding! Thanks for making something normal, normal. Feed your baby! You're doing a great thing every single time you feed your baby. You are helping everyone around you see how innocent and beautiful it is to nurse. Keep calm and nurse on mama!
To the mamas who choose to cover up in public- whether you are covered or not, you are helping. You are doing a wonderful job of showing how our babies don't eat on any one's schedule but their own. And you WILL feed your baby. And just because you're covered doesn't mean it is something to be ashamed of. It doesn't mean you are ashamed of yourself. It doesn't mean you don't support nursing uncovered. It is your preference. You would nurse uncovered if YOU wanted to, you choose not to. And that's okay too!
World Breastfeeding Week isn't just for the mamas that are nursing right now. It's not for the mamas that nursed for a year. It's for ALL the mamas that have nursed. Whether it was for 2 days or 2 years. It's for those mamas expecting a new baby. It's for the mamas that need the support to keep going, when in doubt. For the mamas that didn't have the chance to nurse but wish they did. It's for the mamas helping other mamas. It's for the mamas having some tough times with latching, milk supply or discrimination. For the mamas fighting for their right to feed their baby with friends, family or strangers. Breastmilk is not just milk. It's liquid gold. It's the best gift you can give your baby and the world. It's the closest you can be to your baby. It's the power and love you feel when you can nourish your baby with your body. It's the journey you two will have in your hearts for the rest of your life. It's more than milk. It's sleepless nights and stressful days. It's bad looks at the store and that sleepy smile on your chest. It's LOVE...

Happy World Breastfeeding Week!!!!!!!!

*I will be posting a nursing picture on every day to help normalize breastfeeding on social media*

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