Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Wolrd Breastfeeding Week- Day 4

So today, I got a message on Facebook from someone. I don't know this person at all, in person. Only through Facebook. The message said, "What the... Lol." And then "hey." So I replied with. "hello." He said, "what a pic. A boob." Like I didn't see my breast in my profile picture... My profile picture on my personal page is of my son NURSING. It's one of my favorite photos of him eating. He looks peaceful and comfortable. I just love it. And so in spirit of World Breastfeeding Week, I chose to use it as my main picture for the week. I had never done that before.
Anyways, so I replied back, "yea, it's world breastfeeding week and awareness month." He gave me a thumbs up emoji in return. I wasn't really sure if it was a thumbs up in a supportive way or in a sarcastic rude way... So I just said, "thanks for your support." I figured I'd give the benefit of the doubt and just move on. I got another thumbs up. And a "good thing I'm not a boob guy." I am not sure how that came into the conversation, but it did. And I immediately felt annoyed. WHY does he see my picture as sexual? I'm feeding my son. Why would a person even think that way when they look at it. All you can see is my sons face, him latched, and his hands. It's even in black and white... So I just said, "I guess..." And added: "It's only to help normalize breastfeeding. The more you see it, the more "normal" it becomes. That's the point." And he ended the conversation right there with: " yea. Thanks." I was so glad that it was over so quickly. I didn't feel like arguing with someone about it. I'm so over that. If you don't like it, don't look. If you see it sexually, than I'm sorry but someone didn't teach you how to respect a woman's body enough to know the difference. Definitely don't write me to insult me, disrespect me and annoy me with stupid comments.

Let's continue to nurse in public and share beautiful nursing photos!!

Normalize Breastfeeding
. Day 4 nursing photo*

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