This is a campaign started by an intactivist on a mission to spread awareness. It's a woman's perspective of routine infant circumcision. Each post is from a different point of view.
" On August 5, 2014, Elite Daily featured a story with pictures of 12 of its female employees holding signs that stated what each of them would do differently if they were men. Elizabeth Baugh, one of the women featured in the article, held a sign with the message "#IfIWereABoy I'd be able to make choices about my own body."
Elizabeth's message ignores that, annually in the United States, over one million male and intersex children are subjected to forced genital modifications.
This project catalogs messages from individuals whose bodily autonomy would have been denied if they were male. Their statements use the same format as the signs held in the Elite Daily article. "
"I'm inviting all of you intactivist ladies to join me in taking a new spin on this campaign and point out what is happening to baby boys every single day."
"Please invite all the intactivist women you know to take a photo of yourself holding a sign, and in your own words write "If I Were A Boy" and your own intactivist statement.
If you would like to join the campaign, join the group on Facebook! Take your photo and share it on the page! Tell your intactivist friends! :) I posted mine today.
Here's the page:
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