- Gracie has been using the toilet. She put up her little potty seat! We are very proud of her!
- I am starting to plan her 3rd Birthday party.
- Wesley is doing great with baby led weaning & is ALMOST crawling!
- Wes and I, are starting to get things in order to be married.
From One Mother To Another
My life as mama! Sharing ideas and information. I'm very passionate about birth, breastfeeding and intactivism.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
We are all doing great!
Monday, August 11, 2014
This is a campaign started by an intactivist on a mission to spread awareness. It's a woman's perspective of routine infant circumcision. Each post is from a different point of view.
" On August 5, 2014, Elite Daily featured a story with pictures of 12 of its female employees holding signs that stated what each of them would do differently if they were men. Elizabeth Baugh, one of the women featured in the article, held a sign with the message "#IfIWereABoy I'd be able to make choices about my own body."
Elizabeth's message ignores that, annually in the United States, over one million male and intersex children are subjected to forced genital modifications.
This project catalogs messages from individuals whose bodily autonomy would have been denied if they were male. Their statements use the same format as the signs held in the Elite Daily article. "
"I'm inviting all of you intactivist ladies to join me in taking a new spin on this campaign and point out what is happening to baby boys every single day."
"Please invite all the intactivist women you know to take a photo of yourself holding a sign, and in your own words write "If I Were A Boy" and your own intactivist statement.
If you would like to join the campaign, join the group on Facebook! Take your photo and share it on the page! Tell your intactivist friends! :) I posted mine today.
Here's the page:
" On August 5, 2014, Elite Daily featured a story with pictures of 12 of its female employees holding signs that stated what each of them would do differently if they were men. Elizabeth Baugh, one of the women featured in the article, held a sign with the message "#IfIWereABoy I'd be able to make choices about my own body."
Elizabeth's message ignores that, annually in the United States, over one million male and intersex children are subjected to forced genital modifications.
This project catalogs messages from individuals whose bodily autonomy would have been denied if they were male. Their statements use the same format as the signs held in the Elite Daily article. "
"I'm inviting all of you intactivist ladies to join me in taking a new spin on this campaign and point out what is happening to baby boys every single day."
"Please invite all the intactivist women you know to take a photo of yourself holding a sign, and in your own words write "If I Were A Boy" and your own intactivist statement.
If you would like to join the campaign, join the group on Facebook! Take your photo and share it on the page! Tell your intactivist friends! :) I posted mine today.
Here's the page:
Friday, August 8, 2014
The end of World Breastfeeding Week..
Yesterday was Day 7, of World Breastfeeding Week. But that doesn't mean that sharing information and awareness about breastfeeding is over. It never ends...
I will be updating my blog with our progress. Tomorrow marks 24 straight weeks of breastfeeding. Wesley Jr has still never had a bottle or taken a pacifier.
I am proud of myself, my body, and my beautiful son!! OUR 6 months is getting closer and closer. I can't believe how fast it has gone by! It really does get easier every week...
"When you feel like giving up, just remember why you started."
That's what I remind myself every time I get frustrated and feel like just quitting. It isn't always a piece of cake. It's all up to ME to nourish our son. His daddy doesn't have to help make bottles or help feed him in the middle of the night. I do all of it on my own. I don't mind, he is my son. It's my responsibility as his mother. But that doesn't mean that I don't get frustrated some times. Some times I want to eat dinner without him on me or to be able to have an hour or two outside the house alone. Because we don't use bottles and I don't want to pump, I am unable to be apart from him. It isn't the best deal but he won't be a baby long. I will miss him wanting to be with me every second of his day and night. One day, I'll be wishing I could go back in time and have my baby boy laying across my chest. I love him so much. He is the sweetest, happiest little boy in the world! All he ever wants, is his mama. <3 p="">
I will be updating my blog with our progress. Tomorrow marks 24 straight weeks of breastfeeding. Wesley Jr has still never had a bottle or taken a pacifier.
I am proud of myself, my body, and my beautiful son!! OUR 6 months is getting closer and closer. I can't believe how fast it has gone by! It really does get easier every week...
"When you feel like giving up, just remember why you started."
That's what I remind myself every time I get frustrated and feel like just quitting. It isn't always a piece of cake. It's all up to ME to nourish our son. His daddy doesn't have to help make bottles or help feed him in the middle of the night. I do all of it on my own. I don't mind, he is my son. It's my responsibility as his mother. But that doesn't mean that I don't get frustrated some times. Some times I want to eat dinner without him on me or to be able to have an hour or two outside the house alone. Because we don't use bottles and I don't want to pump, I am unable to be apart from him. It isn't the best deal but he won't be a baby long. I will miss him wanting to be with me every second of his day and night. One day, I'll be wishing I could go back in time and have my baby boy laying across my chest. I love him so much. He is the sweetest, happiest little boy in the world! All he ever wants, is his mama. <3 p="">
Thursday, August 7, 2014
World Breastfeeding Week- Day 6 (late post)
Today, I'm leaning more towards KNOWLEDGE.
If you are not sure if you want to breastfeed, ask questions in a support group or a friend that you know on social media. I have not met a breastfeeding mother that isn't willing to help others with their curiosity about nursing. It could help with any doubt you may have about starting or even when you are confused about something later down the road. I would not be where I am today, had it not been for my support groups. Or for asking questions!
I want to share some groups that I am a part of on my personal Facebook page. Not only about breastfeeding, there are many mommy talk groups, where anything goes. Check them out!!
Breastfeeding Help, Private Talk Group - Facebook
Baby Led Weaning- Facebook
Attachment Parenting Talk Group
Mommy Vents: Support, Advice & Discussion
Opinionated Mamas Private Talk Group
La Leche League!
Kelly Mom!
CDC- Breastfeeding
WHO - Breastfeeding Facts
If you are not sure if you want to breastfeed, ask questions in a support group or a friend that you know on social media. I have not met a breastfeeding mother that isn't willing to help others with their curiosity about nursing. It could help with any doubt you may have about starting or even when you are confused about something later down the road. I would not be where I am today, had it not been for my support groups. Or for asking questions!
I want to share some groups that I am a part of on my personal Facebook page. Not only about breastfeeding, there are many mommy talk groups, where anything goes. Check them out!!
Breastfeeding Help, Private Talk Group - Facebook
Baby Led Weaning- Facebook
Attachment Parenting Talk Group
Mommy Vents: Support, Advice & Discussion
Opinionated Mamas Private Talk Group
La Leche League!
Kelly Mom!
CDC- Breastfeeding
WHO - Breastfeeding Facts
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
World Breastfeeding Week- Day 5!
Nursing in public is a huge topic of controversy. From all different points of view. There are many opinions and grey areas that people like to stand by. But mine is just this: A woman is a MOTHER. Her sole purpose on this wonderful place called Earth, is to reproduce and nourish beautiful babies. Just because we are a "modern" people now, doesn't mean we need to throw out mother nature. We are the "most intelligent" species on this planet, right? So WHY is it too hard to have the best of both worlds? I use cell phones, toilets and motorized vehicles. Does that mean my instincts as mother disappear everytime a new smartphone comes out? No.
In this world of "connection", we are farther apart than we have ever been. People are far too into their phones. Mothers lose time with their children because they have their heads in their phones. When I was growing up, I didn't have a cell phone until I was 13 and the only thing it did- was CALL people. I remember when texting didn't exist. I didn't even start texting until I was around 15 or 16. I feel like friendships were more REAL, at that time. You can't really tell how someone feels about you through a text. You can't tell if someone is talking to you because they really want to or because they are bored. Children don't play outside like they use to either. I use to be out and about with my friends until the street lights came on. Sometimes even later. Until we got hungry and ran home for dinner! I really don't want my children to be too into technology. Running around and climbing trees, exercising without even thinking about it! Using their imagination to build forts in the woods or examining creatures they find in the fields. I want them to be PART of the world.
Everything is changing. And I don't like it. Don't get me wrong, I love the internet. I love learning things and having anything I want to know at my fingertips. I love being able to Skype my family and friends that are 1100 miles away. But when it starts changing how we are as PEOPLE, it is getting out of hand. Mothers should NOT be shamed for doing something completely natural and human, just because they are in public. We may have Google glasses and electric cars but a mother will always be a mother. You can't make an app for feeding a baby from the breast. We are HUMAN. Not robots. People seem to think that we are "too advanced" to be feeding our babies this way. We must be old fashioned, I guess.
I love the bond that comes from breastfeeding. I bonded with my daughter while she was eating too, but it's not the same KIND of bond. It's completely different. I breastfed her for 6 weeks before using formula. When you exclusively breastfeed, your baby is attached to YOU. YOU are feeding your baby. You are EVERYTHING to your baby. No one else can feed them, just you. I love that about exclusively breastfeeding. I feel this huge wave of pride, joy and love when my son is eating. He doesn't know any different. He doesn't know that bottles even exist. He knows nothing but ME. It's a beautiful feeling. I am so happy that I have come this far with Wesley Jr. He IS amazing. It takes just as much effort on your baby's part, to breastfeed. They deserve a "great job!", too.
Breastfeeding is such an important experience for mothers. That's one of the reasons why I nurse in public. I hope EACH time that I can change someone's mind about it...
I feel as though breastfeeding is my RIGHT, not only as an American citizen, but also as a human being. So when someone tells a mother to cover up, it's like they are telling them to stop being so human. "It's 2014..." Like we should know formula exists and so do bottles! But you know what, just because something CAN be easier, doesn't make it the best choice. It doesn't mean breastmilk is outdated. Formula is NOT and never will be breastmilk. Your breastmilk is specifically made for your baby. It changes with your baby's growing needs of development. Formula does not.
"People need to understand that when they're deciding between breastmilk and formula, they're not deciding between Coke and Pepsi... They're choosing between a live, pure substance and a dead substance made with the cheapest oils available." - Chele Marmet
With all of this said, nursing in public is a GREAT thing to do. For everyone. The more we see it, the more normal it becomes...
I have nursed in Walmart, at home with family, in our truck, in parking lots with the windows down, in line at the grocery store, at the laundromat, outside in our yard, at an Indians baseball game, in line at the pharmacy, skyping my family, talking to people in stores, on the toilet, in bed, asleep, putting on makeup, eating dinner with one hand, cooking, and cleaning. All while being "uncovered". Why would I do all of that, if I just wanted attention? Why would I do all of that if I thought formula was the same? It's not and I wouldn't. I do all of that for my son. Because he's eating. It's literally that simple. And because he's eating what I was made to feed him. That's it. It's time to wake up people. I will continue nursing in public. I want to nurse in as many places as possible. If I do anything with my breasts out, it's for a great cause.
Nurse on mamas!
Peace.Love. & Breastfeeding.
Day 5 photo*
In this world of "connection", we are farther apart than we have ever been. People are far too into their phones. Mothers lose time with their children because they have their heads in their phones. When I was growing up, I didn't have a cell phone until I was 13 and the only thing it did- was CALL people. I remember when texting didn't exist. I didn't even start texting until I was around 15 or 16. I feel like friendships were more REAL, at that time. You can't really tell how someone feels about you through a text. You can't tell if someone is talking to you because they really want to or because they are bored. Children don't play outside like they use to either. I use to be out and about with my friends until the street lights came on. Sometimes even later. Until we got hungry and ran home for dinner! I really don't want my children to be too into technology. Running around and climbing trees, exercising without even thinking about it! Using their imagination to build forts in the woods or examining creatures they find in the fields. I want them to be PART of the world.
Everything is changing. And I don't like it. Don't get me wrong, I love the internet. I love learning things and having anything I want to know at my fingertips. I love being able to Skype my family and friends that are 1100 miles away. But when it starts changing how we are as PEOPLE, it is getting out of hand. Mothers should NOT be shamed for doing something completely natural and human, just because they are in public. We may have Google glasses and electric cars but a mother will always be a mother. You can't make an app for feeding a baby from the breast. We are HUMAN. Not robots. People seem to think that we are "too advanced" to be feeding our babies this way. We must be old fashioned, I guess.
I love the bond that comes from breastfeeding. I bonded with my daughter while she was eating too, but it's not the same KIND of bond. It's completely different. I breastfed her for 6 weeks before using formula. When you exclusively breastfeed, your baby is attached to YOU. YOU are feeding your baby. You are EVERYTHING to your baby. No one else can feed them, just you. I love that about exclusively breastfeeding. I feel this huge wave of pride, joy and love when my son is eating. He doesn't know any different. He doesn't know that bottles even exist. He knows nothing but ME. It's a beautiful feeling. I am so happy that I have come this far with Wesley Jr. He IS amazing. It takes just as much effort on your baby's part, to breastfeed. They deserve a "great job!", too.
Breastfeeding is such an important experience for mothers. That's one of the reasons why I nurse in public. I hope EACH time that I can change someone's mind about it...
I feel as though breastfeeding is my RIGHT, not only as an American citizen, but also as a human being. So when someone tells a mother to cover up, it's like they are telling them to stop being so human. "It's 2014..." Like we should know formula exists and so do bottles! But you know what, just because something CAN be easier, doesn't make it the best choice. It doesn't mean breastmilk is outdated. Formula is NOT and never will be breastmilk. Your breastmilk is specifically made for your baby. It changes with your baby's growing needs of development. Formula does not.
"People need to understand that when they're deciding between breastmilk and formula, they're not deciding between Coke and Pepsi... They're choosing between a live, pure substance and a dead substance made with the cheapest oils available." - Chele Marmet
With all of this said, nursing in public is a GREAT thing to do. For everyone. The more we see it, the more normal it becomes...
I have nursed in Walmart, at home with family, in our truck, in parking lots with the windows down, in line at the grocery store, at the laundromat, outside in our yard, at an Indians baseball game, in line at the pharmacy, skyping my family, talking to people in stores, on the toilet, in bed, asleep, putting on makeup, eating dinner with one hand, cooking, and cleaning. All while being "uncovered". Why would I do all of that, if I just wanted attention? Why would I do all of that if I thought formula was the same? It's not and I wouldn't. I do all of that for my son. Because he's eating. It's literally that simple. And because he's eating what I was made to feed him. That's it. It's time to wake up people. I will continue nursing in public. I want to nurse in as many places as possible. If I do anything with my breasts out, it's for a great cause.
Nurse on mamas!
Peace.Love. & Breastfeeding.
Day 5 photo*
Wolrd Breastfeeding Week- Day 4
So today, I got a message on Facebook from someone. I don't know this person at all, in person. Only through Facebook. The message said, "What the... Lol." And then "hey." So I replied with. "hello." He said, "what a pic. A boob." Like I didn't see my breast in my profile picture... My profile picture on my personal page is of my son NURSING. It's one of my favorite photos of him eating. He looks peaceful and comfortable. I just love it. And so in spirit of World Breastfeeding Week, I chose to use it as my main picture for the week. I had never done that before.
Anyways, so I replied back, "yea, it's world breastfeeding week and awareness month." He gave me a thumbs up emoji in return. I wasn't really sure if it was a thumbs up in a supportive way or in a sarcastic rude way... So I just said, "thanks for your support." I figured I'd give the benefit of the doubt and just move on. I got another thumbs up. And a "good thing I'm not a boob guy." I am not sure how that came into the conversation, but it did. And I immediately felt annoyed. WHY does he see my picture as sexual? I'm feeding my son. Why would a person even think that way when they look at it. All you can see is my sons face, him latched, and his hands. It's even in black and white... So I just said, "I guess..." And added: "It's only to help normalize breastfeeding. The more you see it, the more "normal" it becomes. That's the point." And he ended the conversation right there with: " yea. Thanks." I was so glad that it was over so quickly. I didn't feel like arguing with someone about it. I'm so over that. If you don't like it, don't look. If you see it sexually, than I'm sorry but someone didn't teach you how to respect a woman's body enough to know the difference. Definitely don't write me to insult me, disrespect me and annoy me with stupid comments.
Let's continue to nurse in public and share beautiful nursing photos!!
. Day 4 nursing photo*
Anyways, so I replied back, "yea, it's world breastfeeding week and awareness month." He gave me a thumbs up emoji in return. I wasn't really sure if it was a thumbs up in a supportive way or in a sarcastic rude way... So I just said, "thanks for your support." I figured I'd give the benefit of the doubt and just move on. I got another thumbs up. And a "good thing I'm not a boob guy." I am not sure how that came into the conversation, but it did. And I immediately felt annoyed. WHY does he see my picture as sexual? I'm feeding my son. Why would a person even think that way when they look at it. All you can see is my sons face, him latched, and his hands. It's even in black and white... So I just said, "I guess..." And added: "It's only to help normalize breastfeeding. The more you see it, the more "normal" it becomes. That's the point." And he ended the conversation right there with: " yea. Thanks." I was so glad that it was over so quickly. I didn't feel like arguing with someone about it. I'm so over that. If you don't like it, don't look. If you see it sexually, than I'm sorry but someone didn't teach you how to respect a woman's body enough to know the difference. Definitely don't write me to insult me, disrespect me and annoy me with stupid comments.
Let's continue to nurse in public and share beautiful nursing photos!!
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Normalize Breastfeeding |
. Day 4 nursing photo*
Monday, August 4, 2014
My baby doll is growing too fast!
Gracie is going to be 3, in November! "Time flies!" That's no exaggeration...
I feel like I was just watching her learn how to crawl, last week. She will be in school in two years! I am SO excited about that. I love school supplies. I love the smell of fresh notebooks, shoes, pencils and backpacks. I'm excited for her, even more. She loves playing pretend school at home. She loves coloring, writing notes and watching educational videos. She knows her colors very well. She knows animals. She knows how to count. She knows all the shapes, her favorite is the triangle. If she sees one, she yells out "triangle!". Whether it's a potato chip or a sign on the road. It's adorable. She knows how to identify foods. She makes us so proud!
She literally amazes me sometimes with the things she knows. I'm always asking, where did she learn that? I didn't teach her that... It makes me jealous, which is silly. At a certain point, your babies start learning from other people. They start learning by watching the world. And listening to conversations. It saddened me when I realized it, but I can't possibly teach her EVERYTHING. She's like a sponge! She soaks it all up. She says big words too. For example, today she learned the word "frustrated". And she uses it a sentence, correctly. It's the cutest thing ever. She will be upset at a toy or something and say "mom, I'm frustrated!". I just agree with her and tell her she did a great job at explaining how she feels. It's much better for her to express her feelings with words. When she starts a tantrum, like all 2 year olds do- I ask her to use her words. It helps a lot! That way I am able to understand what is bothering her and talk WITH her about it. She loves learning new words. And I love that she does. So I'm sure she's going to LOVE school! I cant wait to see her smile when the bus stops at our house and picks her up. Of course, I'll be a little sad that she is leaving my side and growing up. But her happiness makes ME happy. And that's all I really care about... So I am super excited for school to begin. I am counting to the day I can take her to buy her supplies and get her ready for the bus. I'm sure when I hear the school bus coming down the road to drop her off, I'll be just as excited for her to come home and tell me everything she learned that day. And to have her back by my side.
I feel like I was just watching her learn how to crawl, last week. She will be in school in two years! I am SO excited about that. I love school supplies. I love the smell of fresh notebooks, shoes, pencils and backpacks. I'm excited for her, even more. She loves playing pretend school at home. She loves coloring, writing notes and watching educational videos. She knows her colors very well. She knows animals. She knows how to count. She knows all the shapes, her favorite is the triangle. If she sees one, she yells out "triangle!". Whether it's a potato chip or a sign on the road. It's adorable. She knows how to identify foods. She makes us so proud!
She literally amazes me sometimes with the things she knows. I'm always asking, where did she learn that? I didn't teach her that... It makes me jealous, which is silly. At a certain point, your babies start learning from other people. They start learning by watching the world. And listening to conversations. It saddened me when I realized it, but I can't possibly teach her EVERYTHING. She's like a sponge! She soaks it all up. She says big words too. For example, today she learned the word "frustrated". And she uses it a sentence, correctly. It's the cutest thing ever. She will be upset at a toy or something and say "mom, I'm frustrated!". I just agree with her and tell her she did a great job at explaining how she feels. It's much better for her to express her feelings with words. When she starts a tantrum, like all 2 year olds do- I ask her to use her words. It helps a lot! That way I am able to understand what is bothering her and talk WITH her about it. She loves learning new words. And I love that she does. So I'm sure she's going to LOVE school! I cant wait to see her smile when the bus stops at our house and picks her up. Of course, I'll be a little sad that she is leaving my side and growing up. But her happiness makes ME happy. And that's all I really care about... So I am super excited for school to begin. I am counting to the day I can take her to buy her supplies and get her ready for the bus. I'm sure when I hear the school bus coming down the road to drop her off, I'll be just as excited for her to come home and tell me everything she learned that day. And to have her back by my side.
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Gracie Lynn, my baby doll. |
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