Friday, June 20, 2014

A little about me...

Manda is my name.

I am starting this blog to share info about things I'm passionate about. I am a "birth junkie". I am in love with breastfeeding. Today marks 17 straight weeks of Exclusively Breastfeeding (EBF) our son, Wesley Jr. I am engaged. My fiance is Wesley, he is a country, hard working father. We started our thing almost 5 years ago now. We met through friends in Florida, where I grew up. He's a "Hoosier", born and raised in Indiana. And thats where we currently stay now with our two small children. Our daughter was born on November 4th, 2011. Her name is Gracie Lynn. She got her middle name from my sister and her grandmother on daddy's side. Our son is named after daddy, Wesley! He was born February 22, 2014. I am blessed with two beautiful and smart babies. For sure.

I am 23 years old, will be 24 in August. (can't believe it!)
I graduated high school in 2008. I never finished my degree in college... We started a family.
I am looking into taking classes to become a midwife or a doula. Possibly even a birth photographer. I just want to have a career, if any, as something I love to do. I don't want a job I hate going to.

I'm a stay at home mama who's main focus right now is the children. Raising them. Trying to teach them something every day.
I dont pretend to be perfect and we dont have lots of money. But we do have each other. That's all that I honestly care about anymore.
My life use to be about parties, boys, Lil Wayne and looking nice. NOW, it's all about being "mama". And I'm very happy with it. It suits me better. If i do anything great in life, I want to be a good mother. I want my children to say they never felt abandoned and always knew we care about them more than anything else.

So,,, thats just a quick expliantion of who I am and why I started this blog.

I hope I can inspire someone the way I have been inspired. I hope everything I share is appreciated and passed on, as it was to me.

I love birth, breastfeeding, and intactivism.

If you do too, follow me.

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