Saturday, June 28, 2014

Our Journey With Breastfeeding: 18 weeks!

Today marks 18 whole weeks of EBF (exclusively breastfeeding) my baby boy, Wesley Jr!

Nursing Wesley: 2 days old
Each week is a new milestone and I'm always so happy to say we've made it that much longer in this journey together. Because its not just me who has done all the hard work, its him too. Exclusively Breastfeeding means you don't use formula. Most will pump and use bottles. But we are "straight from the tap", the way nature intended. He has also never taken a pacifier. But not all ebf babies are this way. My son definitely knows it's fake. He makes a gaggy face and pushes it out. I've tried it like three times... never works. Different pacifiers too. I just don't think its ever gonna happen. No big deal, just figure I'd try. It's really sweet actually, to know that your baby doesn't want anything replacing you. He's definitely mama's boy!
When Wesley was born, I had a natural birth. NO induction, NO pain relief, NO epidural. WE did it, TOGETHER. "The way you give birth changes you. The baby isn't the only person being born during childbirth. The mother is too."

When Wesley came out, he made a few sounds and was placed on my chest, immediately.
Wesley Jr holding mama's finger after his birth
He held my finger tightly and just looked me in the eyes...

I believe that first time together can be VERY important in how well your breastfeeding journey can go. We got to have immediate contact, I held him for a while before he was even taken to be weighed. During that time, we both had lots of changes happening from hormones, pheromones, and signals in my body to feed my baby. He was able to get a whiff of mama and my body was telling me to produce colostrum for him. After he was weighed and had some warm clothes put on, he was quickly given back to me to nurse. He latched on within 20 seconds of his mouth touching me.

With my daughter, we were BOTH new to it. So a lactation consultant helped me try different positions and used sugar water to get her to latch. But she figured it out. And so did I. She did great with nursing. I had six weeks of breastfeeding her and pumping for her. I wish I had done it longer for us. I was such a NEW mother and had NO support. I let my workplace scare me into quitting all together. They were gonna make me pump in the bathroom! I didn't want to, so I just quit pumping. Then, I stopped breastfeeding because I didn't know how to get my breasts to stop leaking at work! If I had the support from fellow breastfeeding mothers and friends, like I do NOW, I wouldn't have stopped pumping or breastfeeding for her. So we used formula after those 6 weeks. And I didn't know this at the time, but the first 6 weeks are the hardest. If you can get past those- you're doing great!
Mama feeding Gracie Lynn: 2 days old

Wesley nursed wonderfully during our hospital stay. My nurse gave me a paper to fill out every time he nursed. I did that for the first two or three times. It was so often that I just stopped. She would come in and ask how long he nursed and it was always either 30 minutes or a couple times in an hour. So my nurse wasn't worried. We were making a great team together, me and Wesley. When he wasn't sleeping, he was eating.

I wasn't really worried about milk supply. I had too much with my daughter and I never dried up before I got pregnant with Wesley. Even after I had been done breastfeeding for over a year! I'm not sure WHY that was... But I could squeeze milk out for a long time. Then I got pregnant with Wesley and it turned into Colostrum again. Colostrum is usually yellow, but it can be clear. It's the first milk your body produces during pregnancy. You don't need much of it to do the job. What colostrum lacks in volume, is made up for in POWER. Some people refer to colostrum as "high octane" milk because it's full of antibodies and immunoglobins. This helps protect newborns as they come into our world of bacteria and viruses. It's very important and very healthy for baby. It's as though your giving baby his or her first vaccination. It also works as a laxative to help expel the first poo, meconium.

Newborns stomach size
Lots of mothers worry that their baby isn't eating enough and decide to supplement with formula. When that happens, supply usually isn't even an issue and using formula only makes it a real problem. Breastfeeding is basically all about supply and demand. The more baby sucks, the more you will make. Growth spurts are stressful for breastfeeding mothers because baby seems to eat more often or longer than usual. This makes mama think it's her body not doing it's job. But in reality, a growth spurt is normal and baby WILL suck longer and more often to tell your body to make more milk. That's just how it works.
So the first few weeks with Wesley were fine. They say it's the hardest because it CAN be painful. Especially if baby hasn't quite figured out a good latch. It takes TIME. Don't think just because baby can't get it right away, that it's impossible. The baby is learning just like YOU are.
 After those first few weeks, the pain subsided and engorgement stopped. I thought engorgement was just how it would always be, but I found out that's NOT the case. When your supply regulates after the first few weeks and again after the growth spurts, they don't really become engorged anymore. Unless you skip a feeding of course. But other than that, they feel normal again. Well, until another growth spurt. So you can tell why I thought maybe something was wrong.

Nursing Wesley is a full time deal. I nurse on demand. Which means: No clocks, No timing of sessions, No limits. HE lets me know when he wants to nurse. It can be for many different reasons. It can be for comfort, so he can fall asleep.. It could be because he's hungry. It could also be because he is thirsty. None are ever rejected. Our son is a very happy baby! He gets to nurse to sleep, sleep using me as a pacifier and gets the special bond that comes with it. He never wakes up crying at night. He's always slept through the night with me. Other than rolling over and latching on to me. He has it pretty good, you could say.

 Overall, I am very happy with our success and very proud of us for making it this far. My goals are to reach 6 months, 1 year and to transition from breasts to sippy cup when he's ready to wean from my breasts. I don't ever want to introduce a bottle. That's just more work for me to clean up! And the process of taking his bottle away could be hard. It wasn't for my daughter, but he could be the complete opposite. So I'd just rather not use one at all.

Wesley is what you would call a "distracted" nurser. His attention is taken from nursing, pretty easily. If I start to talk to someone, whether it's on the phone or in person, he will unlatch and whine until ALL of my attention is on him again. He wants mama to be looking at him and using our time to bond. It's really sweet that he is so attached to me. Some people would say no way, that's too much. But I cherish these times with him and I try not to forget that he will be a little boy soon. Then a young man. Then a man, in someone else's life. So I will do as my baby boy wishes. If it makes our time more special for the both of us.
He is also distracted by any sudden noises or someone talking loudly. If something that sounds interesting is happening while he's eating, he unlatches and listens. Or if it is annoying him, he gets upset until whatever it is, stops. My baby boy just wants his time with me to be special and to feel my eyes looking down at him. He smiles when I talk to him. He loves when I rub his cheek. He blushes. When I'm talking, he will unlatch and just stare at me until I look at him. When I look down, he's has this serious face and then it changes to a giant toothless grin! He throws his face back on to me and continues with his snack. I can tell already, that he just adores me. I love it. Every time. I'm so glad WE are doing this. I can't imagine not doing it. After all the wonderful and happy feelings we've shared. Breastfeeding is a strong bond between mother and child. It's the way we were meant to feel. It's what we were meant to experience together. To have that extra time for US to be close. No one else can be this close, with my baby. Because of these 18 weeks, I wish I could share the feelings and explain how great it is with other mothers. But the only way a mother can understand, is to do it herself. I wish that all mothers AT LEAST give it a TRY. A real one. Its sooo worth the commitment. It's something you'll never ever forget. After you get through the learning part together, you can't understand why you questioned it in the firt place. It becomes instincutal. You know exactly what every sound from your baby means. You know him like he's a part of you. And he is. You're connected not only emotionally, but physically. It's really beautiful. Your link, as mother and baby does not end when the umbilical cord is cut. You will always be connected within your hearts after your baby's birth. (Imagine how much closer you can be to your baby when that link is not cut so soon.) My son and I, have been linked together for an entire pregnancy AND going on 5 months. We are still TOGETHER. He leans on ME to support him with nourishment, comfort, warmth and safety.
I know that not all mothers can experience this with their baby. And I feel for those mothers who desperately long for it. Those who can, should really try. Even if you can't breastfeed, you can still give your baby the best milk. Your milk. The milk specially made and designed for your baby's needs. Not mine and not the woman's down the street. Yours.
There are hundreds and thousands of mamas out there willing to help. Just reach out and ask for it. I will help ANY mama in need of advice or support.

I am a full supporter of nursing in public (NIP). Some people say they support breastfeeding, just not in public. Well, that just doesn't make any sense. We can't tell our babies to stop being hungry just because we are out in public. They have to eat just like a bottle fed baby. And no, I will not pump just to satisfy a stranger. A stranger who has a problem with a baby EATING! Don't look. There is no such thing as "being modest" while breastfeeding. We don't want people to see our breasts. That's NOT the goal. The goal is to get my baby latched on quickly and to enjoy my time out of the house. I was nervous in the beginning. I used a blanket to cover up when we were shopping. But after the first three times, I was sick of it. A blanket is just a bigger way of catching someone's eye. Most people don't even realize you are breastfeeding unless you have on a cover. It shouts "hey, look at me! I'm breastfeeding and hiding myself". I just wear a nursing shirt or an under shirt and pull my top shirt up so he can eat. I was shaking the first time I went uncovered. I felt like everyone was staring at me and giving me looks. But it was my own paranoia from hearing so much negativity around breastfeeding in public. When I realized the second and third time, that no one was looking or making rude comments, I became more comfortable. Now I forget he's even eating sometimes. I have nursed most often in Walmart, while we are checking out or while walking around shopping. I've done it in a couple different stores. I've never had anyone come up to me and tell me to cover up because I smile when I make eye contact and I don't make it look like I'm afraid. The more confidence you have, the better chance you'll have that someone won't take advantage of your vulnerability with a rude remark. So own it! Nurse your baby, wherever and whenever baby needs!

Here are a few breastfeeding pictures of us:
Wesley's FIRST latch and feeding!

Gracie meeting her baby brother for the first time!
Breast is Best!
Just sitting around... Burning Calories!

I hope to continue this journey for as long as possible. My next update will be aroud 20 weeks. I will share new stories, how he's doing with breastfeeding, and if he has any TEETH yet! That will be new for both of us! Wish us luck!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

DIY: Mason Jar Solar Lights

Mason Jar Solar Lights

I found this awesome idea while browsing Facebook. I love ideas like this. It's unique and completely do-able! Plus, you can't have too many mason jars around the house. I'm definitely doing this.

Okay, so step 1 is to get some mason jars and solar lights. (like these)

Next, you'll need to remove the stick from the solar lights and the lids from the jars. Take the solar lights and place them inside the jars. You should glue them to the top of the jars so they are secure. For this you can use a glue gun. (super glue would probably work as well)

After it dries, it's done! It's super easy and so cute! Set them on your porch, around a pool, or what I'm gonna try to do is hang them around the front porch area.

This is what it looks like at night. I love it!

Hope you all like this idea and if you do this project, let me know how it went! If you have any extra steps or wanna add an idea to this DIY.. do so in the comments. Thanks!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

"When you Know Better, you can Do Better"

So every few days or so, at least once or twice a week- I get into my intactivist mood. What in the world is an "intactivist"? Intactivists are not anti-circumcision. Intactivists are solely concerned with forced circumcisions of minors and take no position agaisnt the personal choices of consenting adults with regards to their own bodies. It is very important to me as a mother to inform other mothers of the outrageuos procedure America is so socially accustom to doing. Let's all just ask ourselves, WHY? Before we even get to the actual health "benefits" associated with routine infant circumcision. Let's ask, who started this and how did it even come about? I bet you're thinking it started way way back in biblical times. I'm sorry my friend, but that is not true. How did it begin and when? For decades, American doctors have advocated circumcision as a way to reduce risk of inflammations and diseases. In the 1800s and early 1900s, circumcision was promoted, with little evidence, as a cure to such medical problems as bed wetting, blindness, clubfoot, curvature of the spine, crossed eyes, deafness, dumbness, epilepsy, falling down caused by weak muscles, incontinence, nervousness, spinal paralysis and tuberculosis. But perhaps the affliction for which circumcision most famously promised a cure was masturbation. Now, how ridiculous does that sound? Very. How would having a prepuce (foreskin) cause these problems? How would it have anything at all, to do with a penis? It just doesn't make any sense. To me, at least. Some people see doctors as 'Gods", they know "everything" and only do what's best. I've learned from my own lessons trusting doctors, that's just not the case. Doctors are people just like you and me. Sure they have degrees and know all the correct terms for all the body parts but that doesn't mean they know everything. They learn everything from tests, experiments, studies , trial and error.

I know what you're probably thinking... She's just judgemental and likes to defy authority. That's not how i would say it. I would say, I think with both my senses. Common and horse. My high school science teacher explained that saying to me and I have never forgotten. Now, just so we don't get off the topic here... Let's look back at we've come to know so far. One- Circumcision was suggested by doctors just a couple hundred years ago to cure maturbation, most famously. And I can tell you right now, that does NOT work. So then why do parents keep signing for it to be done? Let's explore the tiny itty bitty "benefits" of circumcision dcctors will tell mothers. There's the chance it may prevent STD's. Well, I don't know about your sons, but my infant won't be having any sex. So that's not a concern as a mother for me. Now, when he's an adult and decides to make that decision to become sexually active, he will also have the choice to wear a condom! Cutting his functioning prepuce from his body, that has many reasons for being there is just extreme when a condom can have the same effect, without all the screaming and caring for a wound after being brought into the world. So two- condoms work to prevent std's, no body altering needed. That's a relief!

I am not against circumcision for medically necessary reasons. But doing this to a newborn baby, needs to be justified with exceptional and undoubtful reasons. The baby is strapped down, which is a strange and uncomfortable position after being scrunched up tightly inside the womb for all that time. Here's how the procedure is done... This procedure was done with "pain relief". Watching this video when I was pregnant with our son, made me cry hysterically, because I thought that I didn't really have a choice. My fiance was circumcised as an infant and thought it was like a "right of passage" for boys. We argued for months about the topic. I changed my mind immediately after watching how it was done. It isn't just a "snip" from the tip of the penis. It's a ripping, tearing, crushing, clamping and then cutting. After the giant needle is injected to cause an erection. *yuck* After the video, I researched what the foreskin was for and why it was there since everyone called it a "birth defect". Because when I was growing up, my mother told me that my little brother was circumcised and it is cleaner. If this is the case, then why is the foreskin there? I found out so much from actually digging into the facts and so called benefits.
Like this: The foreskin is more than just skin; it is a complex, highly mobile, and beautifully engineered organ composed of an intricate web of blood vessels, muscle, and nerves. In fact, the foreskin contains about 240 feet of nerve fibers and tens of thousands of specialized erotogenic nerve endings of various types, which can feel the slightest pressure, the lightest touch, the smallest motion, the subtlest changes in temperature, and the finest gradations in texture.

Nature has designed the delicate glans (commonly called the head of the penis) to be an internal organ. In the normal, intact penis, the glans is a glistening, rich red or purple color. The foreskin protects the glans and keeps it in excellent condition.

In many ways, the foreskin is just like the eyelid. It covers, cleans, and protects the glans just as the eyelid covers, cleans, and protects the eye. Also, just as the eyelid can open and close to uncover the eye, so the foreskin can open to reveal the delicate glans. The foreskin's inside fold is lined with a smooth red tissue called mucous membrane. This type of tissue is also found lining the lips, the inside of the mouth, and the inner fold of the eyelid. The foreskin's soothing inner fold gently keeps the surface of the glans healthy, clean, shiny, warm, soft, moist, and sensitive.

So there ya have it. It's not "just skin". It is NOT a birth defect. Every mammal in the world has a prepuce or foreskin. Including females. Yes, we have one too! It's our "clitoral hood". It protects our most sensitive sexual organ as well. Now think about this, WHAT IF we lived in a world where little girls were held down and their clitoris was removed, or their clitoris was burned with acid? That would be insane, right? Well, we do actually. Lots of countries practice female genital mutilation in order to prohibit the female of pleasuring herself and feeling sexual pleasure period. To avoid sex before marriage or masturbation. That's crazy right?! Hmmm.... it sounds a bit familiar. It was legal in the United States for girls to be mutilated per the "parents choice". Back in 1997, it became illegal. Somehow BOYS genital rights and integrity were ignored and they are Still being circumcised fresh out of the womb every single day. And every single year at LEAST 117 baby boys DIE for this cosmetic election signed by mother. Am I the only mother who is thinking in her mind, how is this possible? Why are boys seen as imperfect for being natural and whole?

Take this for an example: Your daughter is born, she's beautiful, perfect, and you would never think of harming her. But a doctor tells you its benefical to have her clitoral hood removed after birth to reduce the chances of a uti, yeast infections, bad smells during her menstrual cycle, it will take less time to wash, and of course it will "look better"...? Would you do it? I don't think so. Girls have sooo many more hygiene issues to worry about growing up, than any intact boy would in a lifetime. So why protect her and not him? Doesn't make much sense does it?
The chances of your son dying from complications of circumcision are higher than the chance he will ever need a circumcision for a medical reason. Sounds like keeping him intact is safer. After all, it is his penis. Shall he decide he wants it done as an adult, he can choose to do it himself. And as an adult he will have full anesthesia, he will be choosing, he will be less likely to have an infection during the healing process, and his foreskin won't be ripped from his penis because it will already be retractable around puberty. "Pulling back" the skin or "forefully retracting" it is NOT needed to care for the intact penis. I'm really not even sure who started this myth but I would guess it's because it retracts in adulthood without pain or irritation so it must be done as a baby as well. If only mothers were more educated about how the penis actually grows and works. So why not WAIT for him to decide how it looks and works? I'm not against medically necessary circumcision at all. I just hate the idea that perfectly healthy baby boys are forced to look like their fathers, give a blood sacrifice in the name of a God they don't know even exists, or because some women have never seen a normal intact penis and request a mutilated one instead.

The foreskin is self cleaning just like the vagina. It is literally there to protect any bacteria (the bad kind) from causing infections and uti. If he does get one (like many women and circumcised men do as well)then all he would need is an antibiotic. So that's not a good enough reason to do it.
Some doctors say it can lower the chance of getting penile cancer. But that's a very very rare cancer anyways. A girl has a much much higher chance of getting breast cancer and dying than any man does of getting penile cancer. Whether he's circumcised or not. Breast cancer IS the number one killing cancer of women. I have never seen a mother say she's choosing to have her daughter's breasts removed after birth, so she doesn't have to worry about her getting breast cancer. And that would actually make more sense than RIC. But that would be "crazy". Have I made any sense with this?

The American Academy of Pediatrics says "the benefits of circumcision are not significant enough to recommend circumcision as a routine procedure, and therefore is not medically necessary." Deciding to have your son circumcised is a "personal choice". Quite often it is a cultural, religious and "personal preference" that makes you choose to have it done. Let's think about what all of this means exactly. Well, cultural means that you are doing it because that's what everyone else does or because it's the "cool thing" to do. No thanks! Religious- You choosing your child's religion for him and carving it into his genitals? Sounds good, Not! Sounds a bit crazy, so No thanks! And don't get me started on "it's a personal decision". Think about what that really means. It usually means the person undergoing the procedure or the person being affected by the decision is actually making the decision. Is mommy going through the pain? Is mommy or daddy going to be strapped down and have their parts changed? No. Well, then that answers whether it's a mother or a father's personal choice.

So, now we know some new things about the foreskin and routine infant circumcision. It changes the penis physically, causing it to become an external organ, destroying all the natural functions of the foreskin. Leaving the penis open to dry out and rub against his clothes causing keratinization. It leaves a scar on both his genitals and his mind. Because after all, that was WHY it started in the first place: to scar him enough that he won't touch himself without remembering it. It doesn't reduce stds, condoms do. It isn't "cleaner", either. And you don't "pull it back" to clean underneath. I hear moms say that a lot. You actually do the complete opposite and never retract his foreskin. No, not even just a little. He should be left to do that on his own when he is ready. The AAP states it is not needed for cleansing. Routine Infant Circumcision is cosmetic and steals young boys of their human rights. The first experience they have in their new life is cruel, cold, full of confusion, fear, pain, and shock. You wouldn't have it done to your daughter and daddy doesn't need to match. How many mothers make sure their daughters genitals match theirs? I don't know any. And I mean really, have you ever looked down there with a hand mirror? You may not realize it until you've seen one close up and personal, but the vagina isn't the prettiest thing in the world either.

Now you know how I feel about R.I.C and why I want every mother to take her whole baby home. We must stop this barbaric and cruel tradition in our country. If you're a number person: It is estimated that around 20% of the world's men are circumcised. Not as many as you thought, huh? The majority of these men are Muslims. But this number also includes other areas of the world for medical reasons or cultural reasons in the United States. It also depends on location and age group. For example, in the US, about 85% of males born between 1950 and 1980 are circumcised. (That's a lot!) While only about 45% of males born between 1995 and 2005 are circumcised. It's decreased over the last few decades. Parents are becoming more educated about the male foreskin and mothers are becoming educated about how easy it is to leave your son intact. That was my goal with my fiance. After months of showing and sharing research with him, HE was the one who said "No" when the doctors asked if we were choosing to circumcise our beautiful son. My doctor was relieved, he smiled at us along with the nurses, who thanked us for making the right decision. They said they hated doing it and it was great that we actually researched about it before just going along with what we thought was "normal". That felt SO good! I had imagined I would be arguing with my doctor about it and feel insulted for not choosing to have it done. So it just made my son's birth that much better. We were all happy and healthy. No altering needed in this little family. It took a lot of courage and strength for my fiance to decide to leave our son intact. It's hard to break this family cycle of mutilation. So he's our sons hero, I say. It makes me smile. And that's how it should be. Your first week with your new baby should be happy, calm, relaxed and natural. Not tainted with cleaning an open wound and checking for infection on your sons genitals after every diaper change. That just doesn't sound appealing to me.

So I ask every new mom and every mother who is having another son, to do her research and listen to her heart. Watch the video, read about the foreskin, protect him, don't cut him.

Please take your Whole baby home! He is Perfect the way he was made. "When You Know Better, You Can Do Better."

*If you'd like more info, click the links above: Dr Momma and The Whole Network*

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Practice Makes Perfect.

Today is Sunday... As a mother, it's just like every other day of the week. Except, that "Daddy" is home the whole day! It's nice when he's home. He spends time with the babies and I get to use both of my arms. haha! So what's going on in this family? Well, Gracie is in a phase where she tears everthing into pieces, anything made of paper. Tissue paper, newspaper, notebook paper, and her favorite of all: Toilet paper. Yay. I don't really get upset, I mean she's TWO. My mind set about it is: oh well, tell her it's not what it's for and move on. I get called a 'pushover" and some people like to make comments about how my daughter is going to run over me... I guess I just see parenting as something other than discipline. It's more of GUIDANCE to me. Punishing my daughter for being curious and having thoughts of her own isn't my idea of being mommy. I'm not raising a warrior. I'm trying to raise a nice, thoughtful, smart, brave, and outgoing young lady. Saying "NO, NO, NO!" all the time is kind of negative. And I see it to be a constant self esteem stabber. Not my thing. Because seriously, if I dont punish her for it, what is she going to do later in life? Go around tearing up her neighbors toilet paper in the middle of the night just for fun? I doubt it. So, obviously you can guess: I'm a passive parent. I don't really know any labels for it. Not any nice ones anyway... Some people call it "Attachment Parenting", I think. But I would be attached to my babies no matter what world I lived in.. so I just don't see the point in calling it that... To make it clear without labels and gray areas; I am a mother who likes guiding and giving positive comments and encouraging independence. Rather than using their childhood as a time to sculpt a person with negativity and constant ridicule. For instance, I don't see a problem with letting my daughter try to pour her own drinks. Sounds good to me! But some people like to tell her no, she'll just make a mess and to just stop. I don't. I let her try, I show her HOW and tell her she "did a great job" at it. Even IF she makes a mess. You cant live LIFE without making mistakes... That's how we learn who we are and how things work. "Practice makes Perfect".

Friday, June 20, 2014

A little about me...

Manda is my name.

I am starting this blog to share info about things I'm passionate about. I am a "birth junkie". I am in love with breastfeeding. Today marks 17 straight weeks of Exclusively Breastfeeding (EBF) our son, Wesley Jr. I am engaged. My fiance is Wesley, he is a country, hard working father. We started our thing almost 5 years ago now. We met through friends in Florida, where I grew up. He's a "Hoosier", born and raised in Indiana. And thats where we currently stay now with our two small children. Our daughter was born on November 4th, 2011. Her name is Gracie Lynn. She got her middle name from my sister and her grandmother on daddy's side. Our son is named after daddy, Wesley! He was born February 22, 2014. I am blessed with two beautiful and smart babies. For sure.

I am 23 years old, will be 24 in August. (can't believe it!)
I graduated high school in 2008. I never finished my degree in college... We started a family.
I am looking into taking classes to become a midwife or a doula. Possibly even a birth photographer. I just want to have a career, if any, as something I love to do. I don't want a job I hate going to.

I'm a stay at home mama who's main focus right now is the children. Raising them. Trying to teach them something every day.
I dont pretend to be perfect and we dont have lots of money. But we do have each other. That's all that I honestly care about anymore.
My life use to be about parties, boys, Lil Wayne and looking nice. NOW, it's all about being "mama". And I'm very happy with it. It suits me better. If i do anything great in life, I want to be a good mother. I want my children to say they never felt abandoned and always knew we care about them more than anything else.

So,,, thats just a quick expliantion of who I am and why I started this blog.

I hope I can inspire someone the way I have been inspired. I hope everything I share is appreciated and passed on, as it was to me.

I love birth, breastfeeding, and intactivism.

If you do too, follow me.